Employment agreement part-time job

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A part-time employment contract is one type of contract with an employee. A part-time job is an employee who has another (main) job, but who is ready to perform additional labor duties - in the same or another organization.

According to paragraphs. 56 p. 1 art. 1 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan part-time is the performance by an employee of other regular paid work on the terms of an employment contract in his spare time from his main job.

An employee has the right to conclude an employment agreement on part-time work both with one employer, with whom he already has an employment relationship (at the place of main work), and with several employers.

A part-time employment contract is practically no different from a regular labor contract. The only difference characteristic of a part-time employment contract is the obligatory indication in it that work under this contract is part-time