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Entrepreneurship is a form of activity that not only implies the possibility of making a profit, but also creates for its participants the risk of non-payment of debts. The insolvent debtor, on the one hand, delays the satisfaction of creditors' claims, and on the other hand, creates for itself and third parties (founders, participants of a legal entity) the possibility of adverse effects: an increase in debts, termination of financial and economic activity, suspension from property management, sale this property and others.

If an organization has a lot of debts and cannot pay them back, then the only right way to close it is the bankruptcy process.

Bankruptcy and liquidation of a company is a long and complicated process. Often the process is caused by the claims of creditors, although the organization’s appeal to the court with a request to declare it bankrupt and subsequent cessation of economic activity is quite a frequent phenomenon.

The AD & amp; K employees action package includes the following activities:


  • initiation of bankruptcy proceedings;

  • deciding on the appointment of a temporary, external and bankruptcy trustee;

  • addressing the issue of reanimation of an enterprise in the process of external management;

  • deciding whether to repossess debts.
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