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Successful entrepreneurial activity is impossible without competent legal support. Companies, regardless of economic activity, require regular legal advice, representation in judicial and state bodies, and other services of a professional lawyer.

Keeping our own staff of professional lawyers is not always justified by goals, as controversial issues arise in any company from time to time requiring the attention of a specialist who understands the intricacies of legislation. In this case, management has to seek help from competent lawyers or independently study numerous regulatory and legal documents.

Our company AD & amp; K provides legal services both at one time and on an ongoing basis.

Having concluded an outsourcing contract, you can count on the assistance of a competent lawyer in any matters:


  • Settlement of claims from counterparties and customers;

  • Resolution of disputable situations in relations with representatives of controlling instances;

  • Preparation of contracts and agreements

  • Support of transactions;

  • Protection of copyright, trademark;

  • Personnel support, etc.
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