Contract for the supply of furniture

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According to the supply contract, the seller (supplier), which is an entrepreneur, is obliged to transfer the goods produced or purchased by him to the buyer in a specified time or period for use in entrepreneurial activity or for other purposes not related to personal, family, home and other similar use.

The parties to the contract for the supply of furniture are the Supplier and the Buyer. The supplier is usually a legal entity - the manufacturer or retailer, and the buyer can be either a company or an individual.

Most of the furniture sales in Kazakhstan are made to order, i.e. the buyer can visit the showroom of the seller’s company, get acquainted with the assortment, or see the products in the catalogs, after which the product is ordered.

Thus, the contract imposes obligations on the supplier to produce and deliver products of a certain quality, and on the buyer - the obligation to pay upon delivery of the full cost of furniture minus prepayment. The amount of prepayment is usually from 30 to 50%.

For the buyer of a legal entity, the contract and subsequent invoice and invoice are mandatory accounting documents necessary to confirm in the tax office the fact of expenses incurred by the company.

Subject of the furniture supply agreement

The subject of the agreement is the delivery by the Supplier of furniture within the time agreed by the parties.

Specification for the contract for the supply of furniture

Specification - an appendix to the supply contract, which indicates the composition, quantity and cost of furniture. In some cases, it also indicates the delivery address, the cost of furniture collection services and other additional services.