
A work contract is an agreement according to which one party (contractor) undertakes to perform certain work on the instructions of the other side (customer) and deliver its result to the customer, and the latter undertakes to accept the work result and pay for it.

The parties to the contract are the Customer entrusting the performance of a certain work, and the Contractor undertaking to perform this work.
At the same time, parties, depending on a particular type of contract, can be individuals and legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

For certain types of contracts, additional requirements are imposed on the parties. So, in a household contract, the customer can only be a citizen, in a construction contract on the side of the contractor - a person who is licensed to engage in this kind of activity.
General contract principle

A feature of the contract is the so-called principle of general contract.

The contractor is entitled, unless otherwise provided by law or the contract of contract, to involve third parties in the execution of the contract, while remaining responsible for the achievement of the result to the customer.

In this case, the contractor acts as the general contractor, and the persons involved by him for the performance of certain works are called subcontractors.

Thus, the current legislation allows the participation of several persons on the side of the contractor - subcontractors (co-contractors).
The Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan distinguishes the following types of contracts: a household contract, a construction contract, a contract for design and survey work, contracts for research, development and technological work.
In this section you can familiarize yourself with the contract for the performance of work, the contract for the performance of work on the production of goods, a construction contract (construction and installation work).